Liquid Diamonds: Our Exciting New Chapter in The Journey to Democratize the Diamond Market

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September 4, 2024

As a data-driven platform redefining the diamond trade, Liquid Diamonds was founded in 2017 by CEO Kashyap Mehta, who is an engineer by profession and comes from a family with 50 years of experience in the diamond industry. 

Based in New York City, the data-driven platform was born out of a deep desire to change the way diamonds are bought and sold. We leverage cutting-edge technology and data to create a fair marketplace where buyers always get the best value.

As Kashyap puts it, 

“Our vision is to democratize the diamond market, where buyers always get a fair market value regardless of whether they are buying 5 or 500 diamonds.”

Recently, Liquid Diamonds has secured over $1.1 million in fresh funding led by New York Angels. This new investment marks a significant milestone in our journey to make diamond buying more accessible for everyone, especially jewelry retailers. 

The Vision: A Fair Market for All

Traditionally, the best deals have been locked behind complex relationships and limited access, with buyers often relying on just a handful of suppliers. 

But what if the playing field could be leveled, giving buyers more options and better prices without compromising on quality?

Liquid Diamonds was founded on this simple yet potent idea. 

Our vision is to create a market where buyers, regardless of the quantity they need, can secure the best possible value. 

The Problem: Limited Access, Limited Options

Most diamond buyers buy from a handful of suppliers they have built relationships with.

However, the best deals often come when sourcing directly from the hundreds of small manufacturers in places like India and Botswana. These manufacturers offer competitive prices, but they lack the infrastructure to provide the necessary services that buyers demand—things like quality control (QC) and reliable return policies.

As a result, buyers, particularly those who prioritize consistent quality and service, tend to stick with a select few suppliers they've built relationships with over time. 

While these suppliers offer reliability, they don’t always offer the best prices or the flexibility that the market could provide. This limitation stifles competition and keeps the full potential of the diamond market out of reach for many buyers.

The Solution: Innovation Through Our Patented Reverse Auction 

Understanding these challenges, Liquid Diamonds developed a solution that not only addresses the issues but also transforms the way diamonds are bought and sold. 

Our patented Reverse Auction system brings hundreds of small suppliers from around the globe into open competition. This way, we create an unbiased marketplace where buyers can access true market value without the need for extensive negotiations.

This system also empowers suppliers to offer their best prices in a competitive environment, ensuring that buyers get the most value for their money.

 More importantly, Liquid Diamonds acts as a one-stop shop, providing everything buyers need, including rigorous quality control and hassle-free returns. This means buyers no longer have to compromise between price and service—they can have both.

Proven Value Addition: A Track Record of Success

Over the past few years, Liquid Diamonds has been working closely with diamond wholesalers and jewelry manufacturers to prove the value of our approach. And the results speak for themselves. 

By using our platform, clients have consistently saved up to 5% on their diamond purchases. In an industry where margins can be thin, these kinds of savings are significant.

Moreover, we’ve already generated over $50 million in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), a testament to the trust and satisfaction of our growing client base. 

This track record of success has not only reinforced our commitment to our mission but has also caught the attention of investors who see the potential to reshape the industry.

The Fundraise: A New Chapter with New York Angels

And now, Liquid Diamonds has raised a new round of funding, led by the New York Angels, a prestigious group of financiers with a deep understanding of various industries, including finance, pharma, shipping and now diamonds. Their investment is a strong vote of confidence in our vision and our ability to execute it.

This round of funding will enable us to expand our offerings and bring our innovative platform to a broader audience, particularly jewelry retailers who have been underserved in this market.

It also marks the beginning of a new chapter as we welcome Donna Redel to our board of directors. Donna brings a wealth of experience and insight, and her addition to our team will be invaluable as we navigate this exciting phase of growth.

Reflecting on the investment, Donna shared, 

"The diamond industry has lagged behind other sectors in adopting modern technology and financial practices. Liquid Diamonds is poised to bring much-needed innovation to the market, and I'm thrilled to be part of this journey."

Expanding to Retailers: Tailored Solutions for Every Buyer

With this new infusion of capital, Liquid Diamonds is ready to take our platform to the next level, specifically targeting jewelry retailers who have often found themselves navigating a complex and opaque market. 

Our updated website is designed with these users in mind, offering a seamless and customized experience from the moment they log on.

When visiting the updated Liquid Diamonds website, clients are now asked to identify themselves as either a:


This allows us to tailor their journey, providing them with the tools and information they need based on their specific buying needs.

Kashyap Mehta, CEO of Liquid Diamonds, explains, 

" Our team worked to streamline the site for greater usability, and we are happy to report that we are already seeing an increase in both time spent on the site and a strong return on investment in terms of new clients taking advantage of our diamond buying services."

Looking Ahead: A Bright Future

The success of our recent fundraise is not just a financial milestone—it’s a validation of our vision to democratize the diamond market and bring fairness, transparency, and innovation to an industry that has long needed it.

With new resources at our disposal and a clear path forward, Liquid Diamonds is poised to make even greater strides in transforming how diamonds are bought and sold.